ALZIRA Cachaça arrives on the market, a drink that cultivates history, sustainability, and social responsibility

Article published on Portal Anna Ramalho on September 21, 2021 – Text: Luiz Claudio de Almeida

Beloved by the Brazilian people, cachaça is the object of passion of Octaviano Della Colletta, a son of Italian immigrants, a fan of the drink, and the source of inspiration for the distillery that bears his name. Octaviano had two great passions in life. The first, Dona Alzira, and the second, the art of drinking and aging Cachaça. The love story between him and Dona Alzira, with whom he lived for 75 years, permeates the creation of a Premium cachaça named after the matriarch. A tribute to this woman who was ahead of her time. An independent and free dreamer. Thus, ALZIRA Cachaça was born. With a Brazilian soul, light, refreshing, and casual, produced in Torrinha, in the inland of São Paulo, and available in 3 labels with colorful and playful illustrations. ALZIRA is the materialization of the dream of Gustavo, Octaviano’s grandson, and his wife Célia, both from the inland of the state.

Link to the original published article (same content in Portuguese)


Cachaça à la Cordon Bleu